




「AA Visiting School Taiwan 2024」為由英國建築聯盟(AA)與本院共同主辦,並以「海洋城市學」為主題的跨國建築研究與設計工作坊。本次活動的主題為「海洋城市學:看不見的城市」,參與者將深入探索台灣東海岸這一片與都市發展息息相關,卻隱藏著地緣政治、經濟、文化矛盾的神秘地帶。東海岸擁有台灣最長的海岸線與豐富的歷史遺跡,這裡曾是漁業、採礦、移民村落等多元文化匯聚之地。工作坊的參與者將透過「流動式工作坊」的形式,結合實地探索與理論探討,揭示這些潛藏的故事與其對現代城市的影響。師資陣容此次工作坊由多位國際知名的學者與專家指導。來自英國AA的Teresa Stoppani教授、Doreen Bernath教授和蔡可柏博士擔任課程主導,他們不僅在國際建築理論與設計領域深耕多年,亦擁有豐富的教學經驗。本院周郁森助理教授與陳俐廷老師則擔任在地導師,為參與者提供深入了解台灣建築文化與實務操作的指導。此外,我們特別邀請到LSE的施芳瓏教授作為人類學與歷史學方面的專家,為學生提供跨學科的視角。陳佑彰導演則擔任影像專家,帶領學生透過影像紀錄與創作,詮釋研究成果。本次活動亦邀請日本近畿大學的三位教授——竹口賢太郎教授、堀口徹副教授及浦井亮太郎助理教授——擔任客座導師,這些來自不同背景的專家將共同為參與者帶來豐富的學術養分。這不僅是一個探索台灣東海岸城市發展歷史的機會,更是一個跨文化、跨學科的學習與交流平台。我們相信,透過這樣的合作,參與者將不僅獲得專業上的提升,也將深化對全球城市與海洋共生的理解。


AA Visiting School Taiwan 2024」為由英國建築聯盟(AA)與逢甲大學建築專業學院共同主辦,並以「海洋城市學」為主題的跨國建築研究與設計工作坊。

Introduction to the Ocean Urbanism Workshop, Co-organized by AA and Feng Chia University’s School of Architecture

The “AA Visiting School Taiwan 2024,” co-organized by the Architectural Association (AA) and Feng Chia University’s School of Architecture, is a transnational architecture research and design workshop focusing on “Ocean Urbanism.”The theme, “Urbanity from the Ocean: Invisible Cities,” invites participants to delve into Taiwan’s East Coast—a region steeped in history and geopolitical significance, yet often overlooked in contemporary urban discourse. The East Coast, with its extensive coastline and rich historical sites, has been a melting pot of cultures, from fishing and mining to immigrant settlements. Participants will engage in a “Liquid Studio,” combining field explorations with theoretical discussions to uncover the hidden stories that shape modern cities.Teaching TeamThis workshop boasts an exceptional teaching team comprising internationally renowned scholars and experts. Leading the program are three distinguished professors from the AA: Teresa Stoppani, Doreen Bernath, and K.B. Izac Tsai. They bring extensive experience in global architectural theory and design education.Feng Chia University’s Assistant Professor Yu-Sen Chou and Li-Ting Chen will serve as local tutors, offering deep insights into Taiwan’s architectural culture and practical applications. We are also honored to have Professor Fang-Long Shih from LSE as our invited expert in anthropology and history, providing interdisciplinary perspectives. Film director Yu-Chang Chen will lead participants in documenting and interpreting their research through film.Additionally, three professors from Kindai University in Japan—Professor Kentaro Takeguchi, Associate Professor Tohru Horiguchi, and Assistant Professor Ryotaro Urai—will join as guest tutors. Their diverse expertise will greatly enrich the academic experience of all participants.This workshop offers not only an opportunity to explore the urban development history of Taiwan’s East Coast but also a platform for cross-cultural and interdisciplinary learning. Through this collaboration, participants will enhance their professional skills and deepen their understanding of the symbiotic relationship between global cities and the ocean.
